The Beaumont Hospital Ethics (Medical Research) Committee reviews applications to undertake research in Beaumont Hospital, and is recognised to provide a single national research ethics committee opinion in limited circumstances - see list of recognised committees
This committee cannot review studies which fall under the remit of the National Office for Research Ethics Committees (NRECs) - see NREC-CT and NREC-MD, but can review amendments and receive reports and notifications in relation to studies which previously fell under the remit of the NREC-COVID19 since this committee was disbanded on the 31st August 2024.
This committee reviews research studies only. It does not review activities such as audit, service evaluation or quality improvement which fall under the remit of the Clinical Governance Department nor does it review activities related to routine care.
This committee is not a clinical ethics committee. It does not provide ethical advice in relation to ethical dilemmas arising in clinical practice.
The committee reviews research studies from an ethical perspective and to ensure that the study as designed will answer the research question posed.
All studies are validated upon receipt, and then sent for review by the hospital Data Protection Officer (DPO) - the DPO reviews studies from the perspective of compliance with data protection law.
All research contracts and agreements undergo separate legal review by the Legal Services Department
Research Ethics Approval is one of a number of approvals required in the hospital site sign off process before a research is permitted to commence in the hospital.

Audit and Service Evaluation
Contact clinicalaudit@beaumont.ie for all audit and service evaluation queries
Case Reports / Case Studies / Case Series
Contact the journal you wish to publish your case report in for their requirements
Data Protection Impact Assessment Form
The Data Protection Impact Assessment Form in use in both Beaumont Hospital and the RCSI also contains a Transfer Impact Assessment Form (at the end) and the questions in the DPIA mirror the questions in the ethics application form.
Support Materials
Micro-course for New Applicants to the Ethics Committee
This micro-course is suitable for new applicants to Beaumont Hospital Ethics (Medical Research) Committee .....
Instruction Sheets and Sample Applications
Refer to these instruction sheets and sample application forms when completing the ethics application form, the dpia, and developing participant information leaflets and consent forms .....
Office Use only
Artificial Intelligence
Broad Consent
Copy of Consent (Amendments Jan 2021)
Health Research Regulations (Amendments Jan 2021)
Capacity and the HRCDC (Amendments Jan 2021)
Health Research Data Protection Network
Genetic Data
Genomic Research
Pre Screening (Amendments Jan 2021)
Public Patient Involvement
Staff Survey Studies
Retrospective Chart Review Studies
Radiation Studies
Record of Changes to Application Form